Thursday, June 7, 2012


We spent two days in Vancouver. Apparently it was beautiful weather right up until the day we got there and it rained/drizzled the whole time we were there. Wet shoes aside, I thought it gave a magical feeling to the city and the clouds were always so incredible. There were a few sunny moments and it was pretty sweet.

We hit up three parks while we were there so the majority of my pictures are of nature which is fine with me :) The parks are more like huge, expansive rainforests with paths and it was so mind blowing. Especially when you come across centuries old cedars or you would be walking down a trail  and you would all of a sudden smell christmas trees (douglas firs?). Everything was heavy with moss and I loved how stumps of old trees had little trees (or bigger trees) growing out of it and around it.

I love you Vancouver!

 A mini donut at the summer night market in Chinatown  //  A sailboat seen from Stanley Park

Stanley Park




  1. that mini donut looks totally delish!

  2. Ahh Vancouver, I miss it so. Your photos are beautiful! Glad you had a wonderful time!
