Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 To Do

A reasonable list of to do's for this year:

1. Get a driver's license. I'm turning 34 this year. Its time.

2. Make a photo zine every month. To be published monthly. Or if not financially possible, whenever financially possible.

3. I don't want to Instagram less, I just want to use my real camera as much as a I Instagram ~ OR MORE .

4. Save some dang money.

5. Go home to the Philippines and to Taiwan. Its almost been five years and I miss my parents.


  1. Cool list. I got my driver's license last year at 28 and I'm so glad I finally did it! FREEDOM of transportation!

    I'd love to see some photo zines from you, it would be gr8

  2. i made a list like this called "life resolutions 2013 and onward" with learn how to drive at the top of the list. i typed it up on my blog today but got shy and deleted it. so now it only exists in my notebook. weird stuff / parallel lives / 2013 effect / IDK

  3. #2 AND #3 are on my list in one form or another. I really want this year to be the year I do something with my photographs, make a zine or a book or something. If you want to buddy up at any point that would RULE!

    also drivers license omg i need to do this.

    1. Thats a great idea. If you've got something in mind, let me know!
